Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What flowers should I plant this year?  That is always the big question!  Should I go with the tried and true - those flowers that have proven themselves to be reliable ?  They're the ones that always smile up at you, whether the weather has been dry or rainy - no matter how many weeds are closing in, eager to choke them out.  Or...  should I experiment with some new varieties and live on the edge?  Those new varieties always look so beautiful in the catalogs.  They call to me saying, "You know you want me in your garden!" Oh, what am I to do?!!

After years of being disappointed with flowers that look exotic in the catalogs, but emaciated in my garden, I've decided in recent years to remain faithful to those varieties that I consider to be faithful to me.  So I purchase some marigolds, begonias, impatiens and the incredible vinca rosa!  This latter flower can thrive no matter how high the temperatures rise or how little water falls from the sky.  It never wavers.  It is a true champion!

But then I weaken and think that maybe I should try just one of those other flowers that I haven't planted before.  It certainly can't hurt!  What could be the harm?  Thus begins my downfall.  Once that "new" flower is immersed in the warm soil in my yard, it is soon followed by another, and then another, and then...

It's not that bad really.  Sometimes I discover a new variety or two that actually enjoys living on my "estate".  When I stand back and view the results if my hard labor in the great outdoors I can easily envision a breathtaking display of color - just like the catalogs!!  I'm an impossible optimist.  But maybe this will really be the year!!

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