Saturday, April 7, 2012

When it's time to prepare the soil, some gardeners hire a handyman to rototill their soil.  Other gardeners venture out in the great outdoors, roll up their sleeves, fire up the rototiller, and get covered in dirt as they turn the soil themselves to make ready for their precious vegetable plants.  But the really fortunate ones are lucky enough to be married to a wonderful man who will do this dirty job, year after year without complaining - well almost!  I am happy to say that I am one of those fortunate gardeners!

And so, about 7-8 weeks after the baseball season commences, the gardening season begins in full force.

The fear of frost is no more.  Armies of gardeners have marched outdoors, weapons in hand, and have begun an attack on the ever present enemy - WEEDS!  Always vigilant, weeds never rest.  They spend the winter planning how they will take over the world.  And left unchecked, this is  exactly what would happen.  We've all seen those abandoned lots with the homeowner in retreat.   These pesky villains are the thorns in every gardeners side.  They can survive extreme drought, excessive rains, and they have the ability to grow with barely any soil at all!.  Diligent gardeners can never let their guard down.  They must keep watch and obliterate the enemy at every turn!

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